In this tutorial, we will be setting up an Insurgency game server on Ubuntu 15.04.
Before we can setup the Insurgency server, we need to install a few other packages. Follow the steps below.
sudo apt-get install lib32gcc1
useradd -m steam
su - steam
mkdir steamcmd
cd steamcmd
tar -xvzf steamcmd_linux.tar.gz
login anonymous
force_install_dir ./insurgency/
app_update 237410
cd insurgency
screen ./srcds_linux
Congratulations! You now have an Insurgency game server all setup and running. You can connect to it by using the IP address allocated to your Aklweb host server.
If you received an error on executing the startup script, try running the following command first:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/steam/steamcmd/insurgency/bin
There are many configuration options for Insurgency. See this guide for configuration reference.