Setup an Insurgency Game Server on Ubuntu 15.04

  • Last Created On Dec 09, 2024
  • 21
0 0

In this tutorial, we will be setting up an Insurgency game server on Ubuntu 15.04.

Before we can setup the Insurgency server, we need to install a few other packages. Follow the steps below.

Getting Started:

  1. Install the dependency to run SteamCMD: sudo apt-get install lib32gcc1
  2. Create a new user for running SteamCMD: useradd -m steam
  3. Login to the newly created user: su - steam
  4. Make a directory for SteamCMD: mkdir steamcmd
  5. Move into the SteamCMD directory: cd steamcmd
  6. Download SteamCMD for Linux: wget

Running SteamCMD

  1. Unzip SteamCMD: tar -xvzf steamcmd_linux.tar.gz
  2. To run SteamCMD type: ./

Downloading Insurgency files

  1. Once SteamCMD has started, login to the servers: login anonymous
  2. Set the install directory: force_install_dir ./insurgency/
  3. Download the Insurgency server files (this may take a while): app_update 237410
  4. End the session once the files have downloaded: quit

Running the Insurgency server

  1. Navigate to the directory where the server files were downloaded: cd insurgency
  2. Run the startup script for the server: screen ./srcds_linux

Congratulations! You now have an Insurgency game server all setup and running. You can connect to it by using the IP address allocated to your Aklweb host server.

If you received an error on executing the startup script, try running the following command first:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/steam/steamcmd/insurgency/bin

There are many configuration options for Insurgency. See this guide for configuration reference.

Views: 21

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