Setup Ajenti Control Panel on Ubuntu

  • Last Created On Dec 09, 2024
  • 8
0 0

In this tutorial, you will learn how to add a web interface to your Linux VPS. The instructions here were tested using Ubuntu 12.04.

Ajenti is an open source, web-based, lightweight control panel for Linux servers. It offers a simple, yet powerful graphical interface to perform most of the actions that are required to configure and keep your server up-to-date. If you want a simple, yet stable control panel with some eye candy, then try Ajenti on your AKLWEB HOST VPS.

Setup repositories

Connect to your server using SSH as the root user.

Download the latest package files.

apt-get update

Import keys and add the Ajenti Repository. Pay attention, this is important to prevent installing infected packages.

wget -O- | apt-key add -

Add the APT repository to to your sources.list file.

echo "deb main main ubuntu" >> /etc/apt/sources.list

Install Ajenti

Update the package sources again, then install the Ajenti package.

apt-get update
apt-get install ajenti

Start Ajenti with the following command.

service ajenti restart

Now you can access the Ajenti panel by navigating to the following URL in a web browser. Replace [SERVER_IP] with the IP address of your VPS.


If you are unable to access this URL, try opening the TCP port with the following command.

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8000 -j ACCEPT

You will be presented with an invalid SSL certificate error. It is safe to proceed.

Next, you will see a login screen. You can login with username root and password admin.

At this point, you are inside the Ajenti panel. Navigate around the panel to start using some of its primary features, such as processor usage, memory usage, SSH over the web browser, cron job setup, firewall configuration, file system load, and more!

Views: 8

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