To redeem loyalty rewards, please open a ticket with billing by either e-mailing or at (choose the billing department).
Available upgrades are listed below, please note that compatibility/availability is not guaranteed for every server.
Upgrade Description | Points Required |
8 GB RAM Upgrade | 1500 Points |
16 GB RAM Upgrade | 2900 Points |
32 GB RAM Upgrade | 5700 Points |
64 GB SSD | 800 Points |
128 GB SSD | 1500 Points |
256 GB SSD | 2900 Points |
512 GB SSD | 5700 Points |
1 TB SSD | 11000 Points |
2 TB SSD | 21500 Points |
250 GB HDD | 1000 Points |
500 GB HDD | 1900 Points |
1 TB HDD | 3500 Points |
2 TB HDD | 5000 Points |
3 TB HDD | 8000 Points |
4 TB HDD | 10000 Points |
8 TB HDD | 13000 Points |
Hardware RAID Card | 15000 Points |