MineOS is a complete Minecraft server platform with a web GUI, automated backups, archives, performance statistics, and other features too.
Setting up a Minecraft server on MineOS is easy and should take only a few minutes to get up and working on a AKLWEB Host server.
You should start with a fresh install of your chosen operating system, in this case, we are using Debian 7.
apt-get update
apt-get -y install screen python-cherrypy3 rdiff-backup git openjdk-7-jre-headless
mkdir -p /usr/games
cd /usr/games git clone git://github.com/hexparrot/mineos minecraft cd minecraft git config core.filemode false chmod +x server.py mineos_console.py generate-sslcert.sh
ln -s /usr/games/minecraft/mineos_console.py /usr/local/bin/mineos
cp /usr/games/minecraft/init/mineos /etc/init.d/
chmod 744 /etc/init.d/mineos
update-rc.d mineos defaults
cp /usr/games/minecraft/init/minecraft /etc/init.d/
chmod 744 /etc/init.d/minecraft
update-rc.d minecraft defaults
cp /usr/games/minecraft/mineos.conf /etc/
cd /usr/games/minecraft ./generate-sslcert.sh
service mineos start
adduser <somename>
Navigate to https://yourip:8888
. Your browser will ask if you want to connect due to the self-signed certificate. Accept the connection. Log in using your root credentials.
If everything is working, then your server will start. For a few moments you will see “-1” for “Players Online”. This will go to 0. Then, you can login with your Minecraft client.
Connect to your server with its IP or domain name (if you created one) and the port from the server settings. The default port is 25565.