Add Teamspeak To Webmin

  • Last Created On Dec 10, 2024
  • 7
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This article explains how to integrate a Teamspeak 3 server with the popular hosting panel, Webmin.

I assume that you’ve already set up Teamspeak on either CentOS, Debian, or Ubuntu. If you haven’t, then please follow one of the guides below before continuing.

Create module

For Webmin, we’ll need a AKLWEB HOST VPS with the Webmin Application installed from the Deploy page.

After you’ve confirmed that Webmin is working by visiting http://yourip:10000 and logged in, you should now have a clean interface. By default, the right portion of the screen shows the “System Information” page.

Locate the menu on the left portion of Webmin.

Choose “Webmin Configuration”.

Choose “Webmin Modules”.

In the “Webmin Modules” screen, switch to the “Clone” tab.

Find the “Modules to Clone” area, and select “Custom Commands”. Then give a descriptive name to your module, something like “Teamspeak” would make it easy for you to recognize later.

Then, choose “Assign to Category” -> “Servers”. I usually use this category, but you can use any category in “Webmin”.

For “Reset configuration to default?”, answer “No”.

Click “Clone Module”.

Setup commands

Now, refresh your browser and go to “Servers” on the left-hand side of your “Webmin” theme. You will see “Teamspeak Server” when you expand “Servers”.

Click on it.

This is the part where we actually give Webmin the ability to start, stop and restart the Teamspeak server.

Click “Create a new custom command”.

The options are as follows. You can edit to your liking.

  • Description: Start Teamspeak with the variable: ./ start.
  • Run in Directory: /home/teamspeak/teamspeak3-server_linux-x86 – If you’re using a different Linux start-up script for Teamspeak, edit this variable accordingly.
  • Run as user: teamspeak – Edit accordingly if you are using a user other than teamspeak.

The rest you can leave as is, repeat the last few steps for stop, restart and status.

Congratulations! You’ve given Webmin the ability to control Teamspeak!

Views: 7

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